b8ikm4rfv.mathias.riederer089.privat@blogger.com If y-ou have a s+evere as-thma it ,is vitally- importan.t to know how to u+se y'our inhaler co+rrectly. _It's not only *your -body that s-uffers f_rom pain but yo-ur* nervous system _as well. T*hink twic'e! If y+ou or you*r child h.ave asthma sy_mptoms -at night, 'it is important* that you t+ell your d,octor. Va,scular d-isease, dia,betes, hype,rtension oft.en cau_se erectile d-ysfun.ction & dis,orders in men+. Plants 'such as -poison ivy, o_ak and sumac -are the mo'st _common skin aller+gy trigger*s. .Watch out!* Low self--esteem, gui_lt, emoti+onal stre*ss, or trauma can. lead t'o overe*ating result'ing in obesity. ,Accord'ing to .the Nati,onal Audit. Office, be-ing obese can+ take up- to nine ye.ars off your li+fespan. If' you- take me_dicine late you ma'y be i*n pain .while the painkill_er is abs+orbed a+nd starts to w*or-k. Men have_ less chance +to build a r.elatio+nship with+ their *doctor or nurse_ as they neve.r visit t_hem*. Treatment is .rarely nee*ded if 'men betwe+en 40 and .50 face i_mpotence in 20% of +the tim,e. To d'istingu,ish between a+ food allerg_y & o+ther reactions to .food a* person nee_ds medical ad_vice. Di*fferent k+inds of f-ood poiso+ning ca_n also provoke _symptoms t*hat are simi*lar food al+lergy. Men+ should. seek med'ical advice ,& tre*atment if impotenc,e .occurs more tha*n 50 % of th'e time*. Men *can find it hard _to talk abo*ut -physical dis+comfort *or emotional dis_tress with +physicians., Even, if yo-u are obese, don_'t t,ry to lose we.ight too quickly'. It i,s just as d-angerous _as obesi*ty itself! The a,mount of _tot-al fat a chi*ld cons+umes should be 30.% or less of_ daily .total food *calor+ies. If ,you're tired of+ counting- every single ,cal*orie, try .out our new ob+esity treatme+nt medi-cation. The n,umber of ne'w cases an'd th*e yearly r-ate of +hospitalizatio.n for asthma -have incr_eased! You sh'ould not- be afraid o_f obesity+ just' because yo.ur relati*ves are not, all slim_! But be pre-pared! I+ have to sa'y somethin_g. It m_atters only for t-hose men 'wh+o faced impotence +in thei+r life!+ Improper 'use of antibio.tics. can be more_ harmful than .help.ful. Be very atte_ntive, taking it! This -month we p-rovi*de huge d+iscounts for our' best ant_ibiotic-s so you can s+ave a lot .buyi.ng it! Doctors ar'e l+ess likely to d,iagnos.e men wit_h depress_ion than women.+ Now thin+k what's bet_ter._ Cholesterol,, a chemical com.pound pro*duced by th+e body, is* a *combination of' fat a'nd steroid.. Asthma- can't be c*ured. Even when yo.u feel fin+e, you' still+ have the diseas,e and* it can flare _up. 'The men of th_e USA can make' a differe.nce to the *hea.lth, for themselve.s an_d for their fam+ilies. Don'+t let er-ectile dysf*uncti,on destro'y your sex-life! -Check out, t+he treatment option.s w+e offer. Remembe.r, redu-cing the a*mount 'of fat in +your diet helps +lower your b_lo_od choleste.rol leve'l. You want to k-now ,whether the im-potence medi_cati.on I take works?* Ask my w*ife, she,'ll tell,! Remember*, shortened co_urse of ant*ibio.tics often 'wipes out on.ly the m,ost vulnerable ba*cteria.+ Did yo_u know that more. than 55% -of adult A_mer,icans - 100 mi.llion p-eople - are' overwei_ght. The ext_ra weigh.t you lo,se on a crash ,diet i+s likely to co,me back when _you stop ,it. Think a-bout it! Re-me_mber that people t*a.king painkillers sh+ould drin_k at le.ast 64 oz.- of water- each day'. If you have o.ther' risk factor_s as well_ as high cholest+erol, .this risk i+ncreases eve_n m+ore. Antibiotics .ar-en't smart en,ough to des.troy o*nly the bad b.acteria. Yo-u shou*ld be very atten+tive*! Our Giant Sale ,seaso+n Starts today! -Don't -miss your chan+ce to boos+t yo*ur masculin,e potenc-y! Antibio-tic-resistan+t bacteria can_ cause inf,ectio*ns and can _be spread t.o others in, your fam_ily. L_ook at that +vanilla cak+e! Does it rea-lly* looks that ta,sty? Is i+t worth yo'ur nice slim fig.ure?, About 33.3, percent o,f American +men an,d about 35.3 per,cent of .America_n women are obes+e. Sh,ould healt*hy people ta.ke chole+sterol-loweri-ng drug+ even if they 'have no hig*h chol'esterol?+ Antibioti_cs are n.ot recommended ,for a cold o+r flu,' as this ,infection_s are caused b*y viruses. E'arl+y asthma warn,ing signs i*nclude los*ing your bre_ath easily or+ .shortness of breath+. +If obesity ca.me to your .life, it''s time t,o review yo*ur typical .eating+ and drinking ha,bits! Sta,rt now! An _increa'sed sensit-ivity to sunligh*t is co_mmon when .you tak+e antibiotics. T'ake, good care!- Cholesterol .lowering is- vital for ev-eryone: ki_ds. & adults; wom,en & men_. Take good c+are! As so*me dis'eases progr-ess, the 'disease wi_ll impact _the function+ of mus-cular structures o,f the- penis. If you+r fa_mily is ful+l of overweigh.t people,* try- out our ne-w medication .that help,ed hundre_ds. What i's obesit-y for you? A m'yth or your n'ightm.are? Anyway, _this article i+s m'eant for you, fri.e_nd! Cholesterol, risk fa*ctor is a* condition t.hat incre*ases you+r chance of gettin,g a h*eart dise,ase. Most -people who di*e from a s'evere a+sthma attack_ delayed goi'ng -to the hospit.al. Be car,eful! Most men e'xperience' erectil+e dys,function *at one time or +another. So. you are not. alon-e, dude! Exampl,es _of allergens tha_t may trig+ger+ asthma ar+e pollens, m-olds, animal dand+er & d'ust mites.- Did you kn_ow th+at the number *of obese chi'ldren has n,early ,doubled over' the pas+t 20 years. Po,or n+utrition c+ombined with la,ck of physi.cal, activity of+ten caus'e obesity in ad*ult people. F_ailure* to achieve a*n e_rection more. than 50% of -the time, i*ndicat-es a ser+ious health_ problem. L+ong term_ over consumpti*on o*f alcohol affect-s all _systems i'n the body, in,cluding. sexual f,unction. T'here are no* cures for al+lergies. Al.lergies can b.e manage.d with pro'per preven'tion a*nd treatment. S-ometimes -asthma sym'ptom_s are mild and g,o away- on their own o.r- after minima,l treatment. I.f you +have ast-hma, even the .slightest re-spir'atory trac*t infection* can trigger+ an asth+ma attack. .There a*re no unkn+own asthma sym.ptoms,- but people still ,get, caught by surp+rise. Watch, out! If_ you are one o,f -our subscribed cus,tomers do*n't 'miss you.r great opportuni.ties!* How many c-alories do you c-ons'ume ever-y day? May be I' is the key to_ your 'ideal w*eight? Try out! M-ost ,painkille'rs, when us.ed properly+ under a med+ical d_octor's s-upervision+, are safe, & effect*ive. Chronic -allergi.es are difficult _to cure bu-t you c+an obtain c_ontrol over y*our allerg*y w,ith this… Men wit'h erec-tile dysfuncti,on have n,ew hope. We *will bre_ak the disea-se down f-or you, *for s,ure. Dieta*ry changes+, exercise, acti*vity & beha,vior ch,ange - ,this complex- ensures obes,ity elim.ination.* Do you k,now which food+s make .up a low-choles,terol diet?, We can sh_are' some knowledge!' Paink.illers _can cause drowsin_ess, inabi-li+ty to concentra-te, fl.ushing of ,the face an*d neck. Bot,h partners c+an suff,er if erecti.le dysfunctio+n g.oes untreat.ed. Be responsi.ble to your p.artne-r. The rate -of obe.sity differs+ from _state to state, w.hich is prob.ably a -reflec,tion of vario.us fac.tors. Discover t_he speci.al diet.ary tips you mus't know if y*ou hav+e any probl.ems with brea*thing.' People wit+h asthma- have what ar,e som-etimes called +"sensi'tized" ai'rways. Check yours_elf now,. In the Uni'ted Stat_es, +more than twenty _two million 'people are* known _to hav+e asthma. Ant.ibiotics do- their job on, bacter.ial infe-ctions like- strep _throat, ear infe-cti'ons and so on,. Cardiov.ascular di*sease can _follow s*evere obesity! It'-s n-ot the matte.r of beauty, b_ut heal*th as we.ll! When, your body get*s too many +calories it ,ac-cumulates the fat* & yo,u get obese. Ho+rrib_le, isn't i-t? Accurate do+sage _and docto*r's supervision *is vital- in pain ma,nagement_! Act re*sponsibly! The *dose of paink-ill*er you a_re taking should +be enough* to co+ntrol pain un'til the next- dose. Ove'rweight a'nd ob,esity are the *nightmares t_hat _frighten h.alf the people _all over t+he world, fri'end. -Is your ast*hma p'reventing y-ou from exercising_? It ,doesn't 'have to! Ke'ep on mov-ing! Exe,rcising in dry, c-old ai.r may be a trig+ger for -asthm'a in people. Ta'ke care of *your heal'th! *7 out of the top 1.1 drugs abu+sed by te,enage*rs are pre_scription and o-ver-the-co,unter me-dications.' Asthma is on.e of _3 common cause_s _of chronic co-ugh in children*. Be+ careful *with your ki.ds. Painkill_ers bl'ock pain recep,tors in t-he brain *and alleviate th*e sensatio_n of pa_in in t,he body. If you *a're overweight, l+ose weight.+ Even a sma_ll wei,ght loss h,elps lower you,r 'bad cholest,erol Pacifi.c men and women *are 2 t_imes more -likely, to be obese th'an men and wo'men- in the wo-rld. Immunother*apy ulti,mately w'orks in u-p to 90% of pe.ople with s.eas.onal allergic rhi-nitis-. Studies show_ that men bet_ween the 'ages of, 40 and- 70 face severe- pro'blems with potenc.y. We want, y*ou to take _control of yo'ur asthma s.ymptoms and li.ve an acti,v+e life. He-lp us now! Even wit-h adva,nces in tr+eatment, as,thma deaths -among young, people ha-ve +more that do.ubled. ,After I star.ted taking +these 'tine pills. on the regular bas.is +I have sex when, and how I* want! Di_d you ever wo.nder i+f those s,ome extra p+ounds classifi.ed y*ou as just o*verweight or a_s ob_ese? 20 m.illion child_ren unde,r the age, of 5 yea.rs have been reco_rded overwei+ght globa*lly in 20+05. Virtua-lly, all types of anti*biot.ics act o_nly on re'plicating bacteria_. It can b-e tr*icky someti-mes! Alcohol,+ impotence+ and *substance abu.se is five time*s .more common in. men th*an in women.- It is quite* safe to t'ake you*r pain ,relief drug 'for as long +as you n.eed to, if it i,s hel_ping your pa_in. Yo_u may be able to+ lose weight -and* improve y,our health *by addressing t*he causes o.f o*besity. Are with ,your penis- size an*d i,ts perform'ance? It's hi_gh time to cor_rect nat,ure's mis-takes!' Healthy eating+ habits a.re reasonable s+te-ps to ide-al weight but+ it is hard+ly effec'tive. Try t,his method. High c'holesterol level of'te_n affects blood su_p'ply to the' heart and *other organs. Tak+e care'! It's all _about ult_imate masculi.ne at'tractive,ness and se_xual perfo*rmance! Learn_ more 'now! We don't .know wh*at it means to *suff+er from asthm+a but we know h*ow_ to help th*ese people. In .about 50*% of children +with asth.ma, ,the condition may_ be,come inactive in t.he teen.age years.* Are you sat*isfied wi+th _the amount. of sex you have_ every- week? I ca+n impro-ve it 10 times! O-ur s.pecial guest, 'Dr. Kreuzla-nge will te'll you every'thing ab*out impot*ence. in men! Health c_are pr_ofessionals+ can chec*k cholesterol in. scho_ol-age kids b_y a simpl'e blood -test. Asthma_ is a dise-ase w'hich affects the 'br-onchi, or airways, -carryi*ng air* in and out of+ the lung_s. Risk _factors for aller*gy are _numerous & +you won't b_e ab-le to pr*otect yours*elf from eve*rything! Obesi_ty medic,ations don'+t always work, th_e way you e*xpect them. Do.n't forget t*o re+ad this art*icle! Among *othe_r obesity treatment* o*ptions medica'tions provide c'ombina_tion of_ result and saf'ety. Not *all alle_rgy tr.eatment optio'ns are trusted, an.d popular! An,d sure not all -of them a-re *effective. Do,n't wait f.or pain to come .back b.efore tak'ing your pai_nkil'ler or you may be- in pain in *vain. _Spring all+ergies 'kill nervous 'syste-ms of numerous p.eople eve*ry ye+ar. The answer i+s sim+ple! What ex-actly are a-ntibiotics? _Antibi+otics are drugs t_hat ki-ll bac,teria, but none o'f viru*ses. H'ealth care profe*ssionals can ,ch,eck cholesterol in+ sc_hool-age ki+ds by a, simple blo'od test. H'igh blood chole'sterol ,is one of the m*ajor risk .factors fo'r heart dis+ease. .Learn more -now! What +exactly- are antibiotics_? Antibiot'ics+ are drugs that k+ill bac*teria, b'ut none of_ viruses. Many. people re*por*t dizziness as +a common symp+tom fol.lowing* administration -of painkil.lers.* Learn more ab_out adult-'onset' asthma and ho,w you ca*n treat t*he symptoms to- breathe e_asil+y. Weight rega-in aft-er obesity tre+atment is qu,ite a norma'l thing, b.ut I know* how t,o maintain ,weight! If you .wan_t to get rid of 'obesity .changes in' your eating+ and ac+tivit'y habits may not+ be .effective! _Discover the spe.cial dieta-ry tips, you must kn+ow if you ,have any p,roblems with +breathi.ng. Asthma af*fe,cts kids in ,different w*ays. Read m_ore a,bout the ways of re*duc,ing the sympto*ms. Obes.ity increases -your r-isk of devel,oping age-re-lated macul,ar* degeneration' cataracts &* stroke. *Paink+illers blo'ck pain rece-ptors in th+e brain .and alleviate t,he sens-ation o,f pain in the+ body. We lo.ve hel'ping people! T.hat's why+ today' we offer you *our new w*eight loss prog'ram a_t 20%. I* started notici-ng certain p-roble,ms with. potency sin_ce I was .26. I managed' to re*store it! One in 7' men who .bec,ome unemployed will' dev+elop depr*ession & imp-otence w_ithin 6 months,. Th*ere is no id.eal medication- for* potency imp'rovement but+ this 'amazing disco-very! Fo-rty percent of non'-His,panic Bl,acks and nea,rly one qu.arter of ,Mexican +Americans ar*e obese. In.flammation, -mucus produ*ction, & mu.scl*e constricti*on shrin-k the airways if y-ou have as'thma. ,It can be h+elpful to kno*w _some facts *about painkill*ing drugs w,hen you are, sta,rting to take t'hem.. Allergy trea_tment optio-ns vary from pe.rso_n to a person. We+ are pro-ud to of+fer y.ou a new drug! Eve'n if you. have severe' as*thma you ne'ed to exerci_se regular_ly in o_rder to stay in -good shape-! The -lesser known- effec.ts of obesity may+ also inclu'de ast.hma and pregna_ncy co-mplica'tions. Asthma r_esults in -about t'hree milli_on lost days- of wor+k each year+ among American, adults.' Anti_biotics .will not cure viral' i.llnesses, su-ch as: cold_s or flu, +most c_oughs and bronchiti-s. Not be.ing active' is a r*isk fac+tor for h'eart disease. *Physical +activit*y can help lowe+r cholester.ol. U-p to 4 out of 5 _peopl.e with a-sthma have troubl.e wi.th noisy brea-thing durin_g or_ after exe_rcise. Thi*ngs that cause no t,roubl_e for most peo_ple can_ cause p+eople with+ asthma to hav'e an attack.. Spring .alle_rgies kill_ nervous systems- of numerou_s *people every year., The a-nswer is s+imple! T*his type of' antibiotic n'aturally. turned- contemporary. pharmacy .upside down. Y+ou+ should try! Asth-ma c.an't be cur+ed. Even_ when you -feel fine, yo-u still have t+he disease a_nd i-t can flare up. *Some an.tibiot.ics are effec*tive a,gainst certain t+ypes of -bacteria; ,others can fi_ght many ba*c'teria. Unemployme*nt and i*mpoten'ce problems are +major c_auses o_f depression, and suicide +in men._ What do you h*ave t+o do when yo_u catc+h a bacterial -infection? Co+me to .us and buy. an antibio-tic! Asth'ma is best ,contro-lled by having a+n asthma ma,nagemen,t plan d-esigned by you_r do'ctor. One in 7 me+n who be*come unemp_loyed, will develop dep'ressio'n & impotence w'ithin. 6 months.. Unfortuna,tely, antibi,otics do no,t cu,re the common cold*, flu or a+ny other b-ad. viral infect'ions. Before t.he age +of menopaus'e, wome'n have lower* cholesterol le,v+el than men of' the same age. .tinea pedi.s robinaxol ny+mphomax Cozaar_ — Dia.betic Ne+phropathy, Hig-h Blood Pres*sure, Hy'pertens'ion, Diabetes, S*troke, S*troke Risk, 'Left Ven*tricu.lar Hypertroph+y mebedal Ov*aria.n Cancer Inflam_matory +Bowel Disease_ Plan _B (Levonorgest_rel, +Levonelle,, NorLevo, P.ostinor, bir.th contro*l, levlen) -clarac m_uscle r+elaxant mobic 'ciplin' ds zemtrial Pax+il — Dep,ression, 'Obsessive-Com'pulsive Diso-rder, Pa_nic Disorder,- S+ocial Anxie*ty, Major De,pressive *Disorder, .PTSD, Post Tr-aumatic. Stress_ Disorder pravacho+l Bipola_r Disor-der zyvox Quin.ine [quin*ine] -(Quinarsal, Qua.laquin, Apo-Q*uinine,, Novo*-Quinine, *Quinine-Odan', Aethylcarboni-s Chinin, 'Ci*rconyl, Ge-nin, Kinin, Q2_00, Q300, Qu,inate, Quin.bisu, Quinim-ax, Qui'ning-a, Quinsul) Lanox.in — C'ongestive Heart' Fa.ilure, Chro*nic Atrial- Fibrillatio.n, Arrhythmia-, Irregular +Heart. Rhythm Clarit'in (Lo+ratadine-, Claritin.e, Clari-tyn, Clari*tyne, Frista*min, Lorfast, Lo_milan*, Symph'oral, Roletra, Ri.nolan, Aller_g,yX, Alavert, T'idilor) Prot*opic Ointme-nt (t+acrolimus) Nimo_top [nimot'op] (Nimodip.ine). Irritable .Bowel S+yndrome Cytomeg+aloviru.s Disease pyri,dostig'mine br-omide Furazol'idone (furoxone,) pravator- Trileptal '(Oxca-rbazepine,' Trexapin') Anxiety+ Disorder 'Menstrual Irreg_ularities ,Kamagra _(sild-enafil) pre+xanil angin*a pectoris h,angover hyd'rea Pep_cid [pepcid*] (famotidine) c_ipli'n ds Bipol,ar Depressi.on Eloc*on — Allergy, Ecz,em,a Folic Acid (Vitam.in B9) (*folacin) lat+anoprost* Hives_ Hydrocortiso,ne Cre-am [hydrocortis.one]' (Locoid Lipocream-, Locoid-, U-cor_t, Pande*l, NuCort, Corta*id S-ensitive Skin w/-Aloe, Kerat.ol HC+, Qual_ity Choice Hydroc_ortisone, Me'di-Corti*sone _Maximum Str-ength, Caldec_ort, Medi-Fi*rst +Hydrocor,tisone, Lan.aCort Cool* Creme, Cortaid_ Maximum' Stren-gth, NuZon, CortAl*) Be-nign Intracr-anial Hypert'ension anx*iron Ampi-cillin [ampici-llin] (,Penbritin, R,imac*illin, Omnipen, 'Principen,- Ampicyn)- Epivir (La-mivudine,, Ze*ffix, Heptov,ir) Mycosis fun_goide's Elavil (Amitr.ypti_lyn, Amitrip, 'Trypt'anol, Endep*, Elatrol, Trypt'izo,l, Trepiline,- Laroxyl, .Saroten', Triptyl, amit-riptyli*ne) Chronic Pa-in Heart'z (Larg.e Dogs) (Heartgar'd Plus, _Ivermect_in, Pyrant'el Pam,oate) Astelin (A,zelas'tine, Allergodi_l, R'inalin, Rhinol+ast, aze-lastin) warfarin- Nor'oxin (Norflo*xacin, *Apo-Norflox, Chi*broxin, I+nsens,ye, Norflohexa,l, Nuflo*xib, R-oxin, Utin, Utino-r) Lo_trisone (clotr'imaz'ole, betamethasone_) +Serum Sickness H_epatitis B* Capec_itabine —' Cancer, C*hemotherapy, .Breast Cancer* waran Stre+ss -Major Depr.essive Dis*order heart 'pain memox +dulcolax -Atrial Fibrill'ation post-'myoca.rdial infarcti,on Ava,lide — H,igh Blood Pressur_e, Hyp_ertension* I Imitrex (*Sumatript-an, Imigran, -pain) K_idney Fun-ction Trilep.tal —, Epilepsy, Seiz-ures, Bipolar. Disorder e-ye pres+sure Zetia (E.zet-imibe, Ezetrol) - Griseoful'vin (gris*-peg, gris p'eg, g+risevin,_ grifulvin) Ba*el Rej.ection *Prevention Vanti_n (Cefpodo+xime) Nex,ium (E+someprazole, *Lucen, Esopral-, Axagon,* Sompraz, Z+ole-ri, Nexiam) Ne*ggram [.neggram] (Nal'idixic A.cid, Wintomylon,_ Diarl.op, Gramoneg,- Nalidix, N'eg+ram, Urib.en, negramm, negg'ramm) +Cefadroxil -(duricef) lidi'n Allegr+a (Fexofe_nadin, Telfas't, Fasto'fen) bleeding. Amo'xicillin (A+moxycillin,- Actimoxi, Al.phamox,' AMK, Amok-sibos, Am-oxiclav Sando-z, Amox+il, Amoxin, *Amoksik,lav, Amoxi,biotic, _Amoxicilina, Apo+-Amoxi, Ba'ctox*, Betalaktam, Cila,mox,_ Curam, Dedoxil', Disperm,ox, Duomox,- E,nhancin, Gimalxina,. Geramox, 'Hic*oncil, Isim-oxin, Klavo,x, L) Manjis*htha Periacti'n (Cyproh*eptadine, *Cipla*ctin, Pe-riactine, Cipror-al) trichin*osis- Zoloft _(Sertraline, S_ertralin, Lust.ral, A.po-Sertral, +Asen'tra, Gladem, Serl-ift-, Stimuloton, X-ydep, Serla.in, -Concorz, generic, zoloft, *Atruline) ay*urveda 'Niaspan _— High C+holesterol, HD*L, Tr*iglycerides Bl'oating Vaginiti_s _Indigesti,on Alopecia A.reata Yagara (He+rbal +Viagra') [yagara] (H.erbal Viagra)_ Pepcid (fa-mot'idine) imdur antic.onvulsan-t Rumal.aya — Art,hritis, Spo*ndylosis, Infl,ammation*, Fibrosit-is, Burs_itis, Synovi,tis, Caps.ulitis, Tenos,ynovitis, .Myositis, S*ciat-ica, Arthral+gia, Gout+, Adhesive C'apsulit-is Irre'gular Hea-rt Rhythm Ye,rba Diet — -Weight Loss,- Obesity, Weig.ht Mana*gement _Triamterene (_dyren,ium, Be,nzthiazide)_ Atheroscleros,is himcosp*az Liposafe .— Weig+ht Loss, Ob-esity Ad+enoma Trave_ler's Diarrhea* Heart,gard Che-wable — Heartwor'ms ,onchocerciasis' cadiqui+n aneury+sm Hydrocort.isone Cre-am (Locoid Li.pocream_, Locoid, U-+cort, Pandel, N+uC.ort, Corta'id Sensitiv+e Skin w/A.loe, Keratol HC, Q'uali.ty Choice Hyd_rocortison,e, Me*di-Cortisone M,aximum S+trength., Caldecort, Medi-'First H.ydrocor,tisone, Lana,Cort Cool Creme,, Cortaid -Max*imum Strengt,h, NuZon, Cor+tAl) gim-alxina Aggreno_x — Str.oke Loxita*ne (Loxapin-e, Loxapa+c) zi-multi J Janumet' (si_tagliptin, ,metformin.) distaclor est-radiol valerat-e 15 Ci-alis Profes*sional (Tada+lafil) 1.+42% Diabe'tic ,Foot Tagara [t.agara] Lotre*l (Benaz_epri.l Hydrochloride,, Amlodipine ,Bes'ylate) fe,male rx plus o,il riom*et Peptic Ulcer Lo,tensin [l.ot+ensin] (Ben-azepril) co-tri+moxazole P*soriasis dumy*rox _tran-q Clonidine, — H-yperten-sion, High Blood P_ressure' Tors*emide (demadex) +septra ds nor-o_xin Motilium .[motilium] (Do.mpe+ridone, Motillium-, Mot_inorm, Cost.i, Vivadone) Te_movat-e Cream [temovat.e] (clobet'as,ol propionate, te+novate,+ Clobex,. Cormax, Ol*ux, Temovate,+ Dermova_te) gins_eng vp-rx oil .Evista —, Osteop.orosis, Breas.t Cancer. Risk R'eduction REM -Again [remagai,n] (sleepi'ng aid, sl_eep ai+d, sleeping .pills, slee+paid) apo-se'rtral Estr_adiol Vale,rate- Pheromone Colo,gne fo+r Men — A-phrodisiac_ Eye Swe.lling scabies Depak*ote — Bi'polar Disor*der, Manic_ Episodes*, Mania_, Depres+sion, Mig+raine, Epile.psy, Seizur.es Avapro — Hig*h ,Blood Pre,ssure, Hyperten.sion, Diabete's, Dia+betic Nephr_opathy r*eosto fargan- Coronary +Artery -Disease
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